Monday, February 16, 2009

Moment of the day

I come into my room after working the desk for 2 hours. It's 12 and I just want to relax in my room and possibly play a few video games. To no surprise there are people in my room playing my games. I wait for the game to end and say I'm bout to play next. Then a person who I will leave unnamed says no I got next. I then say y'all been playing my game for 2 hours and I can't get next. Then he says Niko why do you want to play so bad? I respond I don't know maybe because it's my FREAKIN GAME!!!! I think I'm too nice sometimes, but I got love for all my friends.

1 comment:

humbleservant said...

lol, this was funny, I like the idea, I'ma have to steal it some day! lol